Welfare Policy
We would like to welcome our new Welfare Officer Helen Ryall – she has two girls currently training with us and is often here if you would like to talk to her about any matters of concern with your child whilst at gymnastics or about any information regarding welfare, or you can contact her by email on helenking2002uk@yahoo.co.uk or phone 01206 617500.
Helen has recently completed the Time to Listen welfare course where matters below were discussed; therefore, we are now updating and reminding parents to ensure the safety and welfare of your children whilst at gymnastics.
The reasoning behind our new stringent approach is due to the fact that we are liable for your children whilst they are on the premises and are not covered by insurance if the below isn’t appropriately followed.
- When dropping off your gymnast, you must walk them inside the premises – this is for all children under 18.
- Please do not park on double yellow lines, even for quick drop offs or pick ups. This is both illegal and dangerous for both children and other parents.
- All gymnasts must be collected from inside of the gym; we are not allowed to let any gymnasts leave under the age of 18 without their parent or appointed guardian’s consent. If you wish to take full responsibility of your child once they leave the premises please email consent prior to the start of that session to iceni.info@yahoo.com
- Gymnasts should be dressed appropriately for training, and wear outside clothes after the session, please encourage your children not to leave in just leotards and shorts.
- The gymnast’s hair must be adequately tied up ideally plaited if long enough before the session begins. Water bottles must be sufficiently filled for their level of training, especially in the summer!
- Please ensure all jewellery is removed for safety. If ears are newly pierced, please cover with micro pore tape prior to the session – this can only be used for 6 weeks as per BG (British Gymnastics) Health and Safety guide lines.
- Gymnasts must not wear nail varnish on either their fingers or toe nails whilst training also under BG regulations.
Thank you very much for your understanding and co-operation!